Massage Therapist
Massage Therapist
Holistic massage is a treatment that focuses on tense muscles as a physical result of stress, taking into account a client’s emotional and spiritual well being. It is an ancient method of healing that stimulates the blood circulation and clears the lymphatic drainage system which assists in releasing toxins from the body.
By recognizing that illness and stress affects not only one’s physical but also emotional, spiritual and mental well-being, Holistic Massage allows the body’s natural healing abilities to come forth and balance the entire body as a whole. From the ancient Greek word “holos,” which means “whole,” Holistic Massage treats the whole body as a single entity, and is specifically tailored to each client.
This treatment incorporates a variety of different techniques and whether you choose to have a back or full body massage you will leave feeling relaxed, revived and restored.
Reduce and relieve (chronic) pain
Increase blood and lymph flow
Releases tension and breaks down adhesion
Improve reduced range of movement
Reduced mental and physical fatigue, anxiety and stress
Improved well-being from the release of endorphins (the body’s ‘feel good’ chemicals)