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Massage Therapist

Massage Therapist


Cristina has dedicated the past five years to cultivating a deep understanding of the intricate workings of the human body, through her work and studies. Her healing sessions, grounded in this knowledge, have evolved into a holistic, mind-body-spirit approach, which caters to each person’s individual needs.

She felt the calling to help people, by listening, caring and healing with touch and with a smile. Believing that mind and body are deeply connected and all bodies deserve a non judgemental and inclusive space, Cristina is dedicated to supporting the journey of all who come to her. Her intention, by creating and holding a safe container, is to facilitate the journey to ease physical pain, increase relaxation and initiate deep inner transformation.


Her healing sessions vibrate with love and harmony, offering people the space and opportunity to step away from the world for a while, to rest and to be still. She believes that it is only by turning our attention inwards that we are able to notice our needs and understand how to help ourselves, and that self awareness is the key to change. Through her intuition and accumulated experience, she guides people who want to incorporate massage into their lives as a way to help manage stress and anxiety, ease many forms of chronic pain and promote well being. By using a combination of massage techniques, passive joint mobilisation and stretches, her treatments are versatile and tailored to suit each individual’s needs.

Dedicated and truly loving what she does, Cristina approaches each healing session with great passion and respect, as she continues to grow and develop as a therapist, healer and human being.

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